This is the main page of Advanced Reporting. Here, you will find a list of all created reports for your tenants, ordered by creation date, showing the most recent first. This list can be filtered and sorted as desired by the user.


  • Tenant Users can see any report generated to any tenant the user has access to, but cannot create, nor delete reports
  • Admin Users can create, view, delete, and schedule any report to any tenant they have access to.

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If you click on the “…” option of any completed report in the list, you can delete your reports by clicking on Delete. Note that deleting the report will delete it for you and anyone who has access to it, it won’t be recoverable. If you need the data again, it is always possible to create a new report.

From this page, you can also access the list of your Scheduled Reports, your Custom Reports, or create a new report for your organization.