
You receive an unknown error or status in the Dropsuite platform, and need to find the reason this error or status is happening, and how to fix it.


To view and correct these errors and statuses, you will need access to the following:

  • Dropsuite admin account


Errors & Statuses 

Backup Errors & Statuses 

Error/StatusCausesSteps to fix the errorWhere is the error or status shown
In Progress/RunningThis will show when the backup is currently running.
  • Not Applicable.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Backups.
CompletedThis will show when the backup is completed successfully.
  • Not Applicable.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Backups.
Preparing BackupThis will show when the backup in question is preparing to execute.
  • There is no need to fix anything as this would mean you would need to wait for the backup to start.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Backups.
RetryingUnknown Error
  • System will automatically try to reconnect to the mail server every 30 minutes.
  • Resellers can also try to use the Force Backup option.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Backups.
  • The retry will happen 25 times.
Connection ErrorConnection issue

Ex. Microsoft throttling or server down.
  • The status automatically will change in a few hours
  • If this does not happen, contact support to have the case reviewed.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Backups.
Authentication ErrorAccount's password changed or expired.
  • If the account credentials are wrong, they will need to be corrected on the credentials page.
  • To get there go to, End-User Portal > Account Settings > Credentials
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Backups.
Space FullStorage limit has reached it's limit.
  • Subscription limit must be upgraded, or accounts would need to be deleted to free up storage space.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Backups.
Partially Complete

Unknown Error (Invalid message/MIME errors/ EML files failing to load/ Unable to process email attachments etc.)

  • The status will change automatically within a few hours.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Backups.

Migration Errors & Statuses

ErrorPossible causesSteps to fix the errorWhere is the error or status shown
In Progress/RunningThis would mean that the migration is currently in progress.
  • Not Applicable.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Migrates.

CancelledWhen the retry has reached it's limit, the migration will be automatically cancelled.
  • Attempt the migration another time.
  • If the issue persists, contact support to have the case reviewed.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Migrates.

FailedThis would mean that the system has run into an unknown error.
  • The system will try to change the status within a few hours.
  • If the error still persists, contact support to have the case reviewed.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Migrates.

On QueueThis would mean that the migration is currently queued, and will begin when other tasks are completed by the system.
  • If you notice this status staying the same for a long amount of time, contact support to have the case reviewed.

  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Migrates.

CompletedThis would mean that the migration has completed.
  • Not Applicable.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Migrates.

RetryingUnknown error.
  • During the retry status, the system will automatically try resolving the error.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Migrates.
  • The retry will happen 25 times.
Connection ErrorThere is a connection issue with the mail server.
  • Verify the configuration entered to initiate the migration.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Migrates.
Authentication ErrorThe destination mailbox's credentials are invalid.
  • Retry the migration using the correct credentials.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Migrates.
Space FullThe destination mailbox size is not large enough to complete the migration.
  • Verify the destination mailbox's size and limitations.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Migrates.
Partially CompleteA few of the possible causes for this error can be the mail server storage being full or the mail server migration limit.
  • If you receive this error, contact support to have the case reviewed.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Migrates.

Restore Errors & Statuses 

Error Possible causesSteps to fix the errorWhere is the error or status shown
In Progress/RunningThis would mean that the restore is currently in progress.
  • Not Applicable.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Restores.

CompletedThis would mean that the restore has completed.
  • Not Applicable.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Restores.

RetryingUnknown error.
  • During Retry Status, the system will automatically try to fix the error.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Restores.
  • The retry will happen 25 times.
FailedThis would mean that the system has run into an unknown error.
  • The system will try to change the status within a few hours.
  • If the failed status still persists, contact support to have the case reviewed. 
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Restores.

CancelledWhen the retry has reached it's limit, the restore will automatically cancel.
  • Attempt the restore another time.
  • If the issue persists, contact support to have the case reviewed. 
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Restores.

Connection ErrorThere is a connection issue with the mail server.
  • If you receive this error, contact support to have the case reviewed.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Restores.
Authentication ErrorThe email account's credentials are invalid.
  • Click on the "Edit" button to update to the correct password.
  • This would be done by going to, End-User Portal > System Status > Restores.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Restores.
On QueueThis would mean that the restore is currently queued, and will begin when other tasks are completed by the system.
  • If you notice this status staying the same for a long amount of time, contact support to have the case reviewed.

  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Restores.

Space FullThe destination mailbox size is not enough to complete the restore.
  • Verify the destination mailbox size, and limitations.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Restores.
Partially CompleteA few of the possible causes for this error would be that the mail server storage is full, or there is a mail server restore limit.
  • If you receive this error, contact support to have the case reviewed.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Restores.

Downloading Errors & Statuses

ErrorPossible causesSteps to fix the errorWhere is the error or status shown
In Progress/RunningThis would mean that the download is currently being generated.
  • Not Applicable.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Downloads.

FailedThis would mean that there was an unknown error.
  • If you receive this error, contact support to have the case reviewed. 
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Downloads.

CancelledThis would mean that the download has reached a limit and was automatically cancelled.
  • Attempt to do the download a second time.
  • If you continue to receive this error, contact support to have the case reviewed.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Downloads.

On QueueThis would mean that the download is currently queued, and will begin when other tasks are completed by the system.
  • If you notice this status staying the same for a long amount of time, contact support to have the case reviewed.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Downloads.

Completed/LinkThis would mean that the download is completed, and there will be a link available for you to download.
  • Not Applicable.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Downloads.

ExpiredThis would mean that the download link that was created has expired.
  • You would need to complete another download.
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Downloads.

RetryingThis could be an unknown error, a code error, file conversion error, etc.
  • When a download is initiated, the link to download the files will be generated by the system, during this state you should see on the support page the "Running" status. If an error occurs you will see "Retrying", if this does not change to "Running" or "Completed", contact support to have the case reviewed. 
  • Normally the status will eventually always switch to "Completed".
  • This will be shown on the System Status page under Downloads.

"Need Reauthentication" Errors

This error is displayed on the backup dashboard page. You will need to access the End-User Portal > Account Settings > Credentials. On this page you will need to reference one of the below scenarios:

The global admin has been deleted, or removed, seen here:
  1. If this situation happens, click on the "Continue" button where you will then be prompted to complete the authentication process.
There is a permission issue for the backup admin, seen here:
  1. If this situation happens, you will need to click on the "Re Authenticate" button where you will then be prompted to enter the backup admin's username and password.
The device code has been deleted or expired.
  1. If the issue is with the Device code, you will need to complete the step 2 "Device Authorization" portion and then click the "Verify & Continue" option.

Important Mentions
If any of these errors happen, and you are unable to resolve the issue, please do not hesitate to reach out to support for further investigation.

  • The below IDs can all be found on the system status pages for each event.
    • If the issue is for a backup error, please make sure to have the Mailbox Email ID.
    • If the issue is for a migration error, please be sure to have the Migration ID.
    • If the issue is for a restore error, please be sure to have the Restore ID.
    • If the issue if for a download error, please be sure to have the Download ID.