Enable Bucket Replication on Cloud Object Storage Powered by Wasabi


To add an extra layer of security or meet data compliance, the bucket replication feature is ideal as it allows you to copy objects from a bucket in a specific region to a different bucket in a different region (must be in the same continent).

There is no need to schedule replication. The replication jobs run continuously every few minutes.

Buckets that have Versioning enabled and buckets with Object Lock enabled can also be replicated.


There are no network transfer costs and no API request charges. Only the cost of the additional storage.

Enabling the bucket replication feature will also create an additional bucket for replication logs named [sourcebucketname] + -wcsm-log

Log files also count towards your storage usage.

With Versioning enabled, the latest version of files will be replicated at the time the replication job runs.

Important Notes

With Versioning or Object Lock enabled, replicated objects will not contain the same VersionID, or Object Lock settings.

This can potentially lead to data that is unusable by a 3rd party application that has placed the data. If you are using a 3rd party application, please verify with the Vendor of the application that replicating the data in Object Storage is supported.
If you are using a custom application, please validate that you have the ability to read objects which have been replicated. It is highly recommended to test this out before replicating your full dataset.

No email notification about bucket replication status is available at this moment.


  • Have your source and your destination buckets already created. Please see this article for more information for bucket creation.

  • Create a dedicated access key to provide to Sherweb for the Bucket replication feature. (Please see this article for more information on access keys management)


Please contact our Cloud Support team and provide the following items:

  • Organization name
  • Dedicated Access Key

  • Secret Key (please use a tool like https://www.pwpush.com/ to avoid sending secret keys in clear text)

  • Source Bucket name

  • Destination Bucket name

  • Sync Deleted objects (like a mirror sync, objects will be deleted in destination bucket if it is deleted from source bucket): Yes/No