
You are in the Dropsuite platform needing to add users for backup, or need to know how to add other items such as shared mailboxes, OneDrive etc. to be backed up.


These are the requirements needed to be able to add users to the Dropsuite platform.

  • Admin access to the Dropsuite dashboard


Connect to the portal

Access the portal via the URL and administrator user provided during the provisioning of your Dropsuite Account. If you are a Partner, you must first select Organizations from the left hand panel, browse through your organization list and select "Login as Client". 

Adding Users

As there are multiple ways to add users for backup, the below will cover how to add them using AutoDiscover, manually, as well as a mention of where to look if you do not have the required admin access.

Using AutoDiscover 

Using autodiscover to add users is used to automatically add all users for backup. If in the future more users are added to your directory, they will be automatically added to the backup as well permitted you have enough available licenses. 

  1. Toggle on the AutoDiscover option seen on the right hand side of the dashboard.
  2. There may be some users that you do not want backed up from the populated list, these can be added to an exclusion list by selecting the accounts that are not needed.
  3. You can then click "Continue" and the remaining users will be added to the backup.
  4. You will then be able to view the backup progress on the dashboard, or system status page.

Manually Adding Users

Rather than using the AutoDiscover feature, you will also have the option to manually add users to the backup. If in the future more users are added to your directory that you would like to have backed up, they will also need to be added manually.

  1. To manually add users, you will need to select the user in the populated list. If you would like to filter out specific statuses, this can be done by selecting the filter option at the top seen here:
    1. "Available" means that the user has not yet been added to the backup.
    2. "Active" means that the user has already been added to the backup.
    3. "Excluded" means that they have been excluded from the backup.

  2. As previously mentioned, you can choose to exclude some of these users. This would be done by selecting the 3 dots to the right of the available status and selecting "Add to exclusion list". The status will then change from Available to Excluded.
  3. Once all users have been selected that you wish to add to the backup you can click the "Start Backup" option.

Adding a User Without Administrator Credentials

It may happen that you want to add a user, but do not have access to the global administrator credentials. To add the users, you will need to follow this guide.

Additional Items to be Added to the Backup

This section will explain when and how additional items can be added to the backup.

Shared Mailboxes

  • Shared mailboxes will be added to the backup in the same way as a regular mailbox listed above be it by autodiscover or manually added.
  • A shared mailbox will use up an available seat, just as a normal mailbox would.
    • The only exception to this is if the shared mailbox was created due to the creation of a group or team, they will then be excluded from the used seat count. 

Public Folders

  • Public folders will be added to the backup in the same way as a regular mailbox listed above will be by autodiscover, or manually added. They can also be excluded from autodiscovery if you wish to not have them backed up.
  • If when attempting to add a public folder to backup they are not visible in the populated listed, please reach out to support and we will be able to investigate if this feature has not been enabled for your account.

OneDrive, Sharepoint, Groups, Teams, Contacts, Calendars & Tasks

  • Once a backup of a user has been added, all the above (OneDrive, Sharepoint, Groups, Teams, Contacts, Calendars & Tasks) will be automatically backed up for the user as well.

Important Mentions

Here are important things to note when adding users and items for backup.

  • After adding users if you need to verify the backups are being completed for users go to the "SYSTEM STATUS" tab, and then "Backups" where you will be able to see the status or the backups.