Upgrade a subscription

Subscription upgrades are only available with the Email Security product.

  1. Under Account Management, click Licensing & Billing.
  2. Click the menu (three vertical dots) and select Manage Package. The currently licenses package will be selected by default and include Current.
  3. Select the new package to which you want to subscribe.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Review the changes, accept the End-User License Agreement (EULA) and click Trial (30 Days).

Confirm a trial subscription

If an account was originally created as a trial, the trial subscription ends automatically after 30 days and the account automatically becomes an active subscription. However, at any time you can end the trial and confirm the subscription manually.

If an account with an active subscription is trialing a different email security package, the trial will end automatically after 30 days and the account will return to the previously subscribed package. Therefore, you need to confirm the subscription if you want the new package to be used.

  1. Under Account Management, click Licensing & Billing.
  2. Click the menu (three vertical dots) and select Confirm Package.

Cancel a subscription

  1. Under Account Management, click Licensing & Billing.
  2. Click the menu (three vertical dots) and select Cancel Subscription.
  3. Review the details, accept the confirmation, and click Confirm Cancellation.