Thanks you for choosing Sherweb as your Wasabi provider! Wasabi's mission is to provide simple and affordable hot cloud storage for businesses around the globe. With Wasabi, you can store and instantly access unlimited data without the hassle of complex tiers or hidden fees. Enjoy predictable costs that help you save money, along with industry-leading security and performance you can rely on. Trusted by thousands of customers worldwide, Wasabi is proud to be recognized as one of technology’s fastest-growing and most visionary companies. Let's get started on your journey to seamless and efficient data storage!

Account provisioning

Once you've subscribed to Wasabi-as-a-service in Sherweb's Cumulus portal (Partner Portal), you will receive an automated email from Wasabi containing your activation link to WACM, where you can create your account. You will then be able to add organizations to your WACM profile and start consuming Wasabi services.

If your verification link expires after 24 hours, click Verify to have the option to resend the email.

Getting started with Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage

Follow this link to see explanations of how to get started setting up your Wasabi account. 

Here you can aslo learn how to 

Knowledge base

Once logged in to the WACM portal, click the question mark icon in the top right-hand corner to access the Knowledge base.

Accessing portals

Wasabi Account Control Manager (WACM)

Wasabi console

  • This portal is used to access each of the Sub-Accounts that were created via the WACM.
  • This is where the day-to-day management of the environment happens, including the creation of storage buckets and data location selection.

Can I transfer my current Wasabi business to Sherweb?

Wasabi does not support transfers at this time.

How will Wasabi be billed?

To learn more about Wasabi billing, read here.

Are free trials available?

All sub accounts are activated in trial mode, for a period of 30, 60 or 90 days. They are converted to paid when the trial period has ended, or when their data surpasses the data limit of 1 TB.

How do I contact support?

As with all our products, please visit our support site, or contact us via email, chat or phone. Please do not reach out to Wasabi directly.