
Mail data

Migrated to G Suite

Email messages

All email in top-IeveI folders is migrated. A top-level folder is any folder that resides at the same level as your Inbox folder. 

You have the option to exclude specific top-level folders from migration. For more information, see Step 3: Select the data to migrate.

Email state (read versus unread) 

(Labels in Gmail) 
Folders map to labels in Gmail.

You can elect to omit top-level folders from a migration. If you omit a folder, its subfolders are also omitted.

There is a 255 characters limit per label. If you're migrating a folder with a title that's over 255 characters, the mail will still migrate, but it will be put with the prior label.


Subfolders in your Exchange inbox don't migrate as nested labels in Gmail. Instead, the subfolders appear as Inbox/foldername in an unnested state.

Junk email 

Migration is optional. Junk email is labeled "Junk email" in Gmail.

Deleted items

Migration is optional. Deleted items are labeled "Trash" in Gmail.

Public folders

For details, see Migrate public folders with GSMME. 

Large messages and attachments

Messages that are bigger than 25 MB (message plus attachments) aren't allowed in Gmail.

Messages that are bigger than 16 MB (message plus attachments) are not migrated into Google Groups.


Most attachments are migrated, except when the message and attachment are larger than 25 MB or when there is an executable file in the attachment. 

Executable files in compressed attachments

These types of attachments aren't allowed in Gmail.

Posts in mailbox folders 
Not available in Gmail.
Message importance level
Not imported into Gmail.
Message flags
Flags appear as stars in Gmail.

Rules (both server and client) aren't migrated., but you can create equivalent filters in Gmail. 

Not migrated but can be in Gmail.
POP or IMAP account

Account settings don't import, but you can re-create the account in your G Suite profile.

POP messages

Shared mailboxes
Gmail does not support shared messages.
Category definitions
Categories aren't available in Gmail.
Category assignments
Categories aren't available in Gmail.



Calendar data in Exchange

Migrated to G Suite 

Default calendar

Includes all events, descriptions, attendees, and locations. 

If you are using an exported or archived PST file, it's not possible to identify the primary root folder for Calendar and Contacts. Therefore, all calendars are migrated as additional calendars into G Suite Calendar, instead of any default calendar. You can avoid this by using PST migration for mails only and using Exchange server migration for migrating calendars.

Additional calendars

Shared calendars are migrated for the owner, but not for other users who have access. 

Event reminders

Free / Busy status

Only other G Suite users can see the free or busy status in Google Calendar.

Calendar resources
See Calendar resources CSV file for details.

Tentative / Out of Office status 

Any special status for calendar data is not migrated. 

Optional attendees
Not migrated.
Calendar attachments
Not migrated.

Rich content in event descriptions

Event descriptions are migrated as plain text.
Category definitions
Not available in Google Calendar.
Category assignments
Not available in Google Calendar.

Personal contacts

Personal contact data in Exchange 

Migrated to G Suite 

All personal contacts

Includes all fields (File As, images, notes, and so on). 

Multiple contact folders

Separate contact folders don't migrate G Suite. Instead, all contacts from all folders are migrated and then appear together in G Suite under My Contacts. You can reorganize them using Google Groups.

Personal distribution lists

Mailing lists don't migrate to G Suite. But you can still email a list from G Suite by creating a Google Group. 

Rich formatting in personal contact notes
Notes in contacts are migrated as plain text.
Notes larger than 16KB
Larger notes are truncated in G Suite.
Follow-up flags, dates, and reminders
Flags aren't available in Google Contacts.
Category definitions
Not available in Google Contacts.
Category assignments
Not available in Google Contacts.

Global contacts

Global contact data

Migrated to G Suite 

Domain contacts

You need to migrate domain contacts separately. For more information, see Migrate your shared contacts to G Suite. 

Out-of-domain contacts
You need to migrate out-of-domain contacts separately. For more information, see Migrate your shared contacts to G Suite.

Notes, Tasks, Journal entries, RSS feeds

Other Exchange data

Migrated to G Suite 

Not migrated.
Not migrated.
Journal entries
Not migrated. 
RSS feeds
Not migrated.