How to set up your domain type when you are using a 3rd party spam filter


How to set up your domain type when you are using a 3rd party spam filter.


  • You must have an Exchange account with Sherweb.
  • External spam filters usually require users to point their MX records to their service. They then require their users to configure the actual MX records in their client interface. Once you've configured these records on exteral filter side (see their knowledgebase for guides and explanations), follow the instructions below.

How to

1. Log into the Control Panel.


2. Click on Manage domains.



3. Make sure the primary domain name is set to Authoritative.



4. If it is not, click on Edit and change it to Authoritative.



5. Wait for 15 to 30 minutes for the change to take effect.


Please contact us for any additional questions.


Applicable to

All Exchange accounts