Enable content Copy/Paste between VMRC client (console) and Windows/Linux Virtual Machine for Performance Cloud VMware


 Once the functionality is enabled, it will be possible to copy/paste the content of a file (text only) and not the file or the directory.


First install or upgrade the VMware tools for the Windows/Linux virtual machine (VM).

For more information see: https://helpdesk.sherweb.com/en/support/solutions/articles/67000689764-update-vmware-tools-for-performance-cloud-vmware-virtual-machines


To proceed, please contact our Cloud Support team (cloudsupport@sherweb.com) so we can enable the back-end feature. Mention the following:

  • Organization to apply the configuration
  • Virtual machines name
  • Maintenance window to enable the functionality as it is necessary to power off the virtual machine(s)