
You are needing to know what an advanced search is used for and how to do an advanced search.


These are the requirements needed to be able to perform an advanced search.

  • One of the following Dropsuite accesses:
    • Full Admin
    • IT Admin
    • Group Supervisor
    • Compliance and Review Officer
    • Data Protection Officer
    • User
    • User View and Restore


This section will explain how to do an advanced search given you have the proper access.

  1. Login to the backup dashboard using the proper access.

  2. Select the "Advanced Search" tab.

  3. On the advance search page you will choose any relevant criteria that will help find the results you need. The are 3 places you can search separate or all at once. It is important to note that if you search all 3 options at once, you will have less criteria to define the search.
    • Emails can be searched using the following criteria:
    • OneDrive can be searched using the following criteria:
    • SharePoint can be searched using the following criteria:

  4. When the search results populate, you can select the email subject to view the email itself.

  5. Optionally you have the opportunity to download, restore, migrate, or tag the email. Select the email you need to take action on, and then select the option needed.

The different between an eDiscovery search and an Advanced search are that more advanced steps can be performed in an eDiscovery search. Below will List capabilities in both search functions that differentiates them.

eDiscovery Searches are used for the following scenarios:

  • Saving search results
  • Modifying search criterias
  • Setting up alerts
  • Setting up TAGs
  • Setting up a review process

Advanced searches are used for the following scenarios:

  • Quick email search
  • Download emails
  • Restore emails
  • Migrate emails

Important Mentions

These are important things to note when creating an advanced search. 

  • When entering into the advanced search tab, you will automatically see the top 5 most used criteria (Email Account, Date Range, From, TO/CC/BCC, and Keywords)
  • Values such as emails or keywords should be separated by commas.
  • Special characters are not allowed in these searches except for currency symbols such as "$" and "_".
  • Anything specified before a comma is considered a keyword.
  • An email such as "[email protected]" could be searched through the keywords: johndoe, john, joh, jo, j, do. Although for best results it is always best to add as much context as possible such as the entire email "[email protected]"
  • It is important to make sure you use the "AND" and "OR" in the proper scenario as this can change your search results. 
    • As an example:
      Criteria 1 AND
      Criteria 2 OR
      Criteria 3 AND
      Criteria 4
      The system will process this as:
      (Criteria 1 AND criteria 2)
      (Criteria 3 AND Criteria 4)
  • If you do not need some of the already seen criteria, you can leave them blank or remove them from the list using the "x" on the far right.
  • There must always be a minimum of 1 criteria specified.