Getting Started with Keeper
Thank you for choosing Sherweb as your Keeper provider. Keeper is the leading provider of zero-trust and zero-knowledge security cloud services spanning secrets management, privileged access, secure remote infrastructure access, and encrypted messaging. Millions of consumers and thousands of businesses worldwide trust Keeper to mitigate the risk of password-related cyberattacks.
Your partner account should have been created during the initial provisioning process. You will receive an email that looks like the following:It will guide you to the Keeper portal, where you can provision your organizations and companies.
Until the organization is fully provisioned, it is important to only use the link provided within the onboarding email, otherwise the your partner account will not be correctly created as an MSP, and you will need to contact support to make the correction.
To get started with Keeper, you can access their knowledge base, which includes a Getting Started and Resources.
To select other guides, just click on the menu.
You can also use the search box to find information:
How can I manage companies?
You can learn about managing companies here.
How will Keeper be billed?
Keeper invoices for the full calendar month. Usage reported to Sherweb will appear on your next scheduled invoice.
Are free trials available?
Yes. Upon completing the sign-up process on the Keeper platform, all MSPs start with a 14-day trial, which switches to paid when the trial ends.
Are NFR (not-for-resale) accounts available?
How do I contact support?
As with all our products, please visit our support site, or contact us via email, chat or phone. Please do not reach out to Keeper directly.