
You have created and saved an eDiscovery saved search, and are needing to know what can be done with the saved searches.


To handle saved eDiscovery searches you will need the following:

  • One of the following Dropsuite platform accesses:
    • Full Admin
    • Compliance and Review Officer
    • Data Protection Officer


eDiscovery Saved Searches

This section will explain what can be done under the saved searches tab once an eDiscovery search has already been created. If you have not yet had an eDiscovery search created, please follow the process to do so here as it is required to be able to set up the review process.

  1. Login to the Backup dashboard using the proper access.

  2. Hover over the compliance tab on the left hand side and select "eDiscovery".

  3. Select the "Saved Search" tab.

  4. The latest search that has been created will be at the top of the list of searches. In this case we have just created "Test eDiscovery".

Viewing Emails

  1. To view the emails from the search, first select the radio button beside the search, then select "View" and "View Emails" from the dropdown.

  2. In the next window you will access to selecting an email where it can be downloaded, restored, migrated or tagged.

Viewing and Editing

  1. There is also the option to "View & Edit Criteria". Select the radio button beside the search, then "View" and "View & Edit Criteria".

  2. This will bring you to the page where you can edit the criteria that was used for the saved search.

  3. Once you have edited the search, select the "Update" option which will then modify the search.

Tagging a review

  1. To tag a review, simply select the radio button beside the saved search, then select "Tag", and finally "Add Tag".

  2. You can then select a tag that has already been created, or type the name of your tag and click enter. Once completed, select "OK"

  3. Once an email has been tagged, you can then go to the compliance tab on the left hand side and select "Tags".

  4. Your tagged search will now be shown with the tag you created in the list of tags.

Marking a search for review or review and deletion

  1. To mark a search for review, select the radio button beside the search and then select "Mark for Review".

  2. On the next screen, you will select the review option that is needed in your scenario, add any important notes, and then select "Create".
    1. Please note that if you select the "Mark for Review & Deletion (DPO)" option, this would mean that whoever is assigned the Data Protection Officer role will review the data, and then delete if necessary as this is the only role that can delete from the archive solution.

  3. Next, under the compliance tab on the far left you can select "Review Process".

  4. In the review process tab you will then find the search that you had previously marked for review.

The different between an eDiscovery search and an Advanced search are that more advanced steps can be performed in an eDiscovery search. Below will List capabilities in both search functions that differentiates them.

eDiscovery Searches are used for the following scenarios:

  • Saving search results
  • Modifying search criterias
  • Setting up alerts
  • Setting up TAGs
  • Setting up a review process

Advanced searches are used for the following scenarios:

  • Quick email search
  • Download emails
  • Restore emails
  • Migrate emails