
You are an admin needing to restore Groups and teams content such as chats, files, sites, notes, calendars tasks or mailboxes.


To restore groups and teams content you will need the following requirements.

  • One of the following Dropsuite accesses
    • Full Admin
    • IT Admin
    • User View and Restore


Restoring Groups & Teams

This section will explain how to restore all items for categories that are backed up for groups and teams as well as how to restore specific items from one category within Groups & Teams. Category refers to Chats, Files, Sites, Notes, Calendars, Tasks & Mailboxes.

Restoring all items within a category or categories

  1. Log in to the dropsuite platform using the proper access.

  2. Select the "Groups & Teams" tab.

  3. Select the site including the Groups & Teams you need to restore content for.

  4. Next, locate the group or team that you would like to restore content for and select the name of it.

  5. Next, select "Restore".

  6. Select the category, or categories that you would like to have restored and then select "Next".

  7. If you have selected chats, the next step will be the configuring of a new group. Chats can not be restored to the same group, which is why Dropsuite automatically creates a new group to restore the chats to. 
    1. On this screen, you can also select "Edit Settings" to change the group name, group type, as well as assign which members to the group that is being created.

  8. When all configured, read the disclaimer and select "Next".

  9. On the last page if you have selected other categories other than chats you will need to decide where they will be restored to.
    1. Original Group:  This will restore the files to the group they were backed up from.
    2. New Group: This will create a new group to back the items up to as we did for the chats. You can configure the name, type and members by selecting "Edit Settings"
    3. Add to Chat Group: This will restore all other categories you have selected to the same category that was previously created for the chats in the previous step.

  10. Next, read the disclaimer and then select "Start Restore".

  11. Next, confirm all details of your choices for the restore and click "Yes".

  12. You can then select the SYSTEM STATUS tab and "Restores".

  13. Select the "Groups & Teams" tab.

  14. This will be where you can view the status of your restore you just set up.

Restoring specific items within a category

  1. Log in to the dropsuite platform using the proper access.

  2. Select the "Groups & Teams" tab.

  3. Select the site including the Groups & Teams you need to restore content for.

  4. Next, locate the group or team that you would like to restore content for and select the name of it.

  5. Select the category you would like to restore an item from. In this case we have selected "File".

  6. Next, select the item(s) to restore, and select "Restore".

  7. You will then be given the option to select the latest version, or the latest and previous versions.

  8. You will now need to select 1 of 2 options.
    1. Original Group: This will restore the files to the original group it was backed up from.

    2. New Group: This will restore the Files to a new group that you create. You are also able to select "Edit Settings" to change the name, type and members in the new group if the settings for the new group created by Dropsuite does not fit your needs.

  9. Next, read the disclaimer and select "Start Restore".

  10. Next, verify the information you have created in the restore and select "Yes".

  11. You can then select the SYSTEM STATUS tab and "Restores".

  12. Select the "Groups & Teams" tab.

  13. This will be where you can view the status of your restore you just set up.

Important Mentions

Important things to note when restoring groups and teams.

  • If you choose to restore calendars the system will restore the items to the group's schedules organized by user on their personal calendars.
  • When selecting a category if there are options which are greyed out this would mean that the group/team does not have any of that content. For example, if "Notes" is greyed out, the team does not have any notes therefor it is unavailable to restore as it does not exist.