When transferring customers' sites from your previous provider's SentinelOne management console to Sherweb's, all sites are created in the new SentinelOne management console, but not in Partner Portal — any missing organizations must be created manually.

In order to make this transition as accurate as possible, and to avoid any mismatches, please follow the steps below to provide us with a spreadsheet that can be used to map each of your SentinelOne sites to an organization in Partner Portal.

Step 1: Export a list of your sites

  • Log in to your SentinelOne management console and select Settings.

  • Select Sites.

  • Click Export. The CSV file will download to your default Downloads folder.

Step 2: Add a new column

Add a new column called Partner Portal URL in the spreadsheet.

Step 3: Map SentinelOne sites to Partner Portal organizations

Log in to Partner Portal, navigate to an organization, copy the URL for the organization from your browser, and paste it in the Partner Portal URL column that corresponds with that organization's SentinelOne site in your spreadsheet. Repeat to map each site to an organization. 

If no corresponding Partner Portal organization exists to map to an SentinelOne site, please create the new organization in Partner Portal and map it to a site in your spreadsheet.

Important: Do not add the SentinelOne offer to any of the organizations in Partner Portal. This step will be handled by the technical team when the transfer has been completed.

Step 4: Provide Sherweb with the file

Once complete, reply to your active transfer ticket with your Sales representative in cc, and attach the mapping spreadsheet.