
You are needing to find attachments in emails which are backed up to Dropsuite or wanting to know how to download these attachments.


These are the requirements to be able to manage email attachments:

  • One of the following accesses to the Dropsuite platform
    • Full Admin
    • Group Supervisor (This will work only for users in groups you are an admin of)
    • User view and restore (This will allow a user with this permission to view only their attachments)
    • User (This will allow a user to view and download their own attachments)

Managing Attachments

This section will explain how and where you can view email attachments in the Dropsuite dashboard, as well as how to download the attachment itself.

Through the email itself

  1. In the backup dashboard, hover over the user that has the attachment and select "View".

  2. On the email section of this page, select the subject of the email in question containing the attachment.

  3. At the bottom of the email screen under "Attachments" you will find any attachments from this email. To download them, select the attachment and it will be automatically downloaded.

Through the attachments tab

  1. In the backup dashboard, select the Email Attachments tab on the left hand side of your screen.

  2. On the email attachments dashboard, you can browse through all attachments(1), use the search bar to search for the email with the attachment(2), or filter by attachment type(3).

  3. Once you find the email with the attachment, you can select the right hand download option to download the attachment to your files.

Important Mentions

Things you should take note of when it comes to email attachments.

  • The only people who would have access to the email attachments are whoever has the proper access level.
  • As Dropsuite is sure to maintain the integrity of your emails, it is not possible to delete an email attachment from the backup dashboard.