
You need to have emails from a saved eDiscovery search that have been marked for deletion removed by a Data Protection Officer.


These are the requirements to be able to delete an email from the archive solution

  • One of the following Dropsuite access levels
    • Data Protection Officer

Email Deletion

This section will explain the process for a Data Protection Officer to delete emails that have been marked for review and deletion. This review & deletion process would have previously been set up by an admin or compliance & review officer. If you have not already done this, please start the review process for deletion following this guide. 

  1. Login to the Backup dashboard using the proper Data Protection Officer access.

  2. Hover over the compliance tab on the left hand side and select "Review Process".

  3. Select the saved search that was marked for deletion, you can then view the content that has been marked for deletion. While reviewing the content, if you believe the message should be kept, select the "Keep Message" option in the bottom right hand corner. 

  4. Once you have reviewed all content and believe it should be deleted, select the "Start Deletion" option in the top right hand corner.

  5. In the next window, it is optional to leave a deletion reason. For audit log purposes it is always better to leave one to understand the deletion at a later date. Select the "Notify me" check box if you would like to be notified when the content is deleted, and click "Agree".

  6. On the review process page when the deletion is complete, you will now see "Deletion Completed".

Important Mentions

Important things to note regarding emails being deleted by a Data Protection Officer.

  • Data Protection Officers are the only role that can delete emails from the Dropsuite archiving solution.
  • The Data Protection role can only be enabled by an admin role.
  • Data Protection Officers can only delete emails assigned to them by an eDiscovery search review process.
  • The eDiscovery search and marking emails for deletion can be done by any admin, or compliance and review officer.
  • The deletion reason will be seen in the audit logs for compliance reasons.
  • Once a Data Protection Officer has deleted emails they can not be added back or recovered. 
  • Any email marked by a legal hold can not be deleted by a Data Protection Officer.